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Windmill Hill, Avebury

Atracción | Swindon | Inglaterra | Reino Unido

Windmill Hill en Avebury, en Wiltshire, Inglaterra, es un sitio prehistórico importante y se considera el mayor enterramiento neolítico conocido en Gran Bretaña. El sitio está ubicado aproximadamente a 1.5 kilómetros al noroeste del pueblo de Avebury y es parte del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO "Stonehenge, Avebury y sitios relacionados".

Historia y significado arqueológico
Las primeras actividades humanas en Windmill Hill se remontan a alrededor del 3800 a.C. En esta fase temprana, se excavaron pozos que probablemente fueron utilizados por una comunidad agrícola. Alrededor del 3700 a.C. se construyó la estructura característica del sitio: tres fosos concéntricos segmentados con terraplenes intermedios, interrumpidos por estrechos diques. Esta forma de construcción es típica de los enterramientos neolíticos y posiblemente servía propósitos ceremoniales o comunitarios.

Las excavaciones en Windmill Hill revelaron una variedad de artefactos, incluyendo fragmentos de cerámica, huesos de animales y herramientas de pedernal. Los hallazgos sugieren fases de uso repetidas que se extendieron a lo largo de varios siglos. Es especialmente notable la gran cantidad de huesos de animales, lo que podría indicar festividades comunitarias, comercio de animales o rituales.

Usos y cambios posteriores
Después de la fase principal de uso en el Neolítico, Windmill Hill siguió siendo utilizado esporádicamente. En la Edad del Bronce, alrededor del 2000 a.C., se construyó un "Bell Barrow" dentro de las estructuras existentes, lo que indica la continua importancia del lugar.

A lo largo de los siglos, el sitio cayó en el olvido hasta que en el siglo XX, gracias a investigaciones arqueológicas, volvió a la conciencia pública. Las primeras excavaciones sistemáticas se llevaron a cabo en la década de 1920 por Alexander Keiller y Harold St George Gray, quienes destacaron la importancia de Windmill Hill para la comprensión de la cultura neolítica en Gran Bretaña.

Significado actual y experiencia para los visitantes
Hoy en día, Windmill Hill es un área arqueológica protegida que ofrece a los visitantes la oportunidad de explorar los restos de este sitio prehistórico. Aunque los enterramientos se han erosionado con el tiempo, los fosos concéntricos y terraplenes todavía son visibles, ofreciendo una idea de la magnitud y complejidad original del sitio.

Una visita a Windmill Hill permite sumergirse en la historia temprana del asentamiento humano en el sur de Inglaterra y apreciar los logros impresionantes de las comunidades neolíticas. La ubicación elevada también ofrece vistas panorámicas de la campiña circundante, incluido el círculo de piedra de Avebury cercano, y destaca la importancia estratégica del lugar.

Windmill Hill es un testimonio fascinante del pasado prehistórico de Gran Bretaña y un destino gratificante para aquellos interesados en la arqueología y la historia.

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Domingo0:00 - 0:00
Lunes0:00 - 0:00
Martes0:00 - 0:00
Miércoles0:00 - 0:00
Jueves0:00 - 0:00
Viernes0:00 - 0:00
Sábado0:00 - 0:00


54 Reseñas


A long trek to reach but worth seeing. Not quite having the same power as the other nearby sites but the surrounding landscape looks stunning from this spot.

Fantastic area with remaining mini mounts and the big circles, it was claimed by sheep and it was an enjoyable short walk and a perfect spot for two sandwiches (leave no trash behind)

Avebury is amazing. You can spend an entire day there just pondering over the stones.
Richard Lodge

Wild and interesting with amazing 360 degree views
Vladimír Černý

Super vyhled
Pete / Hel

Windmill Hill is a classic example of a Neolithic 'causewayed enclosure', with three concentric but intermittent ditches. Large quantities of animal bones found here indicate feasting, animal trading or rituals, or perhaps all three. It is part of the Avebury World Heritage Site, there is not much left to see, few tumps and ditches, it is a bit of a walk through really heavy mud and clay if we have had rain so need boots, (we don't recommend Wellies as they will just get stuck in the mud when pulling) , we parked by the clay pigeon club, which is turn right out of the avebury national trust car park, take 3rd exit on roundabout, then take 2nd right, really rough road, lots of pot holes, you have been WARNED, from here it was only 1hr up and back. Worth the walk.
Steve Culshaw

Amazing place to walk up to and see the Downs from
Millis Miller

Great views
lb lokabandhu

Avebury is fabulous - but if you visit, make sure you take time to go to at least some of the other places in the Avebury landscape...
Kim Gibbons

A beautiful place
Tom Bowerman

A nice circular walk from Avebury, nice and quiet compared to the village and some good views from the top along with lots of ancient history including several burial mounds/barrows. Some of the signage is very tired and in need of replacing. Definitely worth it if you like walking in the countryside. Be aware that several fields had cattle in them so might not be ideal for those with dogs.
Richard and Paul

We parked our car at the Avebury National Trust car park, walked through the village past the church, followed the directions on the national trust website and trekked up to Windmill Hill. Download the walk on your phone beforehand as the reception isn't great. There are several stiles to negotiate some of which aren't easy. There are a few fields to walk through so make sure you have good walking shoes....there are plenty of cow pats to avoid! The view from the top of the hill is great even on a dull morning and not another soul in sight. Certainly worth it if you'd like to experience a different point of view.
Paul Savident

We got a bit confused by the signposted directions from Avebury village though once we realised we needed to follow the county path for a while before being directed back to Windmill Hill all was fine. Quite a hike for those who are less fit and certainly not easy terrain at all for those who are less-able and the styles can be pretty high with one topped by barbed-wire! Well worth the trek though, even on a grey day. 👍
Von Grey

Beautiful despite the lack of windmills. Saw a druid

lovely walk but my legs were dead by the end.
Mike Clark

A quiet place with open views across the Avebury area from the top of the hill. There are mounds and shallow ditches that make up the landscape. Don't try and drive along the single track like I did. Quickly only passable for trackters. Worth a visit if you have spare time.
Stella Jales

A great area to walk. Splendid views from the top.
Moira Baden-Hinsley

Love this place ❤️
Richard Large

Always enjoy walking here

no crowds, no big stones... soft mounds, wind & sheep. Love it!
Gary Stocker

Great views from the summit. Also all of the history associated with it.
Kim Chalmers

5,500 years of History to imagine right here, awesome!
Lars Boss

Great view great walk if you want to get out of Avebury!
adrien larroque

I don't understand why there is so many positive comments. The only view you will have is fields, it is hardly indicated, and the standing stones have been removed, there is no path, you will just cross fields. the pictures in Google are accurate => there is nothing to see.
Dan Williams

Very tranquil surrounded by wildflower Meadows lovely
sue horner

Amazing scenery, not easy to find though as no sign posts or parking near by.
Howard Palin

If you want to get away from the popular attractions of Avebury then this and Yatesbury are just wonderful..


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